Hi everyone,
First let me begin by saying that it has been an absolute pleasure to work with you during this semester. I truly learn as much from you, as hopefully you learn from me.
During this course, we explored the research process in more depth. We took a figurative step back and thought about how we think as we process our information needs.
Being able to recognize and anazlye where you are as you solve information problems is, in my opinion, one of the most valuable skills you can possess, not only now, but throughout your lifetime.
With that being said, I would like for you to reflect on the following questions. Please add your reply to the post.
Did you find your topic interesting? (Include your topic choice in your answer.)
Was it difficult for you to select a technology topic to research? Why or why not?
Were your initial thoughts on this topic supported by your research or did your understanding change throughout the process?
Did this topic offer any relevance to your own life? Can this information be applied outside of the classroom setting?
Are you able to apply the process steps covered in this class to other information needs. (Feel free to name any of them as you answer...it's ok to go back to your handouts or ask.)
Did you encounter any challenges as you researched? Were you able to work around them? Please share any insights.
Is your desire to do a thorough job in completing the required tasks evident in your work? Did you go the extra mile?
Would you do anything different?
I know...a lot of questions!
But your answers are as much for your understanding, as for us.
Best wishes for your second semester. You will be missed...
Happy Trails,
Mrs. Englert and Mrs. Davis