Saturday, November 9, 2013

Did you know that students at Ephrata High School have their own, newly-styled MOVEMENT!

It’s called the Association of Making and Doing.

The first endeavor of this movement is the CODING COLLABORATORY.
You heard that right…CO-DING COL-LA-BOR-A-TOR-Y.
(Also Know As… The Hour of Code)

The next gathering of the CODING COLLABORATORY is scheduled for Wednesday, November 13 from 2:40 to 3:30 in CL 219.

Remember, tinkerers are welcome, experimentation is expected, and learning by doing is all part of the grand plan.

We had a great turnout for our Hour of Code last week…

So, come one, come all, and don’t forget to bring a friend!

PS - We started last week and are using the after-school program from Code Academy as our guide.
More to come...

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