Thursday, April 16, 2020

A little lesson on sources.  
Why might you choose one source over another, you ask?
For instance:      
What is the difference between Primary and Secondary sources?
·         Primary sources provide a first-hand account of a topic. 
·         Secondary sources provide second-hand information often based on primary source information.
·         Primary sources have advantages in some situations, but both can provide value.

Consider for yourself: 
Who:  Dr. David Price – Weill Cornell Medical Center – New York City
What:  Crucial information on how we can stop the spread
When:  Posted March 24, 2020
Where:  YouTube – 1,056,370 views
Why:  Dr. Price’s direct experience with the virus and people infected for the last 3 months give him great confidence on rules to protect yourself and your family.

So, if you have been following secondary-source updates on COVID-19 and would like to listen to a first-hand perspective, this source definitely puts local, state, and federal decisions into context.

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