Friday, June 1, 2012

Trettin Times 2012 - Dating Advice

Relationship Help from Drake J AND EMILEE
Teenage Relationships. Got boy problems? Need a bf/gf? Need to break up with your partner? Need advice?
(Relationship in this article refers to ‘Dating’.)
Definition of dating

Dating is “a form of courtship consisting of social activities done by two people with the aim of each assessing the other’s suitability as a partner in an intimate relationship or as a spouse.  This definition has a different meaning for each couple”.

What is okay and not okay in a relationship?

What is okay in a relationship?  In a good relationship there needs to be trust, honesty, appropriate communication, respect, and boundaries you need to be open with each other, have positive attitudes, agree to take it slow, no violence, agree to disagree, and being there for each other the best way you can.

What is not okay in a relationship? If you are being abused or threated in anyway (verbal, physical, and/or emotional) you need to get out of the relationship a.s.a.p.!! Also if you can’t trust, respect, or be honest with your partner you are not in a healthy relationship.

What are some important concepts in a relationship?

There are many concepts people need to have a good relationship. Just a few are communication, trust, honesty, loyalness, respect and giving each other space.

Questions for you and your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend to take into consideration.

1.      Does age/grade matter?

2.     What religious views do they have?

3.     What do I do if my friends and or family don’t like who I’m dating?

4.     What if my partner doesn’t get along with my friends and or family?

5.     All my friends are dating and I’m not allowed. What’s up with that?!

6.     How do I know if I’m ready to go “steady” with someone?

7.     Do I need to know the basic things like favorite color/food/music/sports teams/clothes/, eye color, friends and family?

Answers for the above ^ questions.

1.      Yes, age and grade matter because of legal issues and because of different morals.

2.     Knowing what your partner thinks about religion is important, especially if you have an opinion on religion.

3.     Sit down and talk to both of them and see if you can make an agreement or work something out. Or you must just have to end the relationship.

4.     Sit down and talk to both of them and see if you can make an agreement or work something out. Or you must just have to end the relationship.

5.     Parents have different opinions on dating and what age their son/daughter is allowed to start dating. Dating is important but something that can wait so don’t rush into a relationship.

6.     Once you’re able to respect yourself and others, being mature and responsible, and how long you’ve know each other because you need to know how each other act in different situations and places.

7.     The bigger things are more important but the little things are also very important because it shows you truly do care about the person and his or her interest.

Who do I contact if I need advice or more information on relationships?

     Your parents, friends, counselor’s teachers and staff, and people around your community are always good people to talk to. Also there are hotlines you can call and talk to the people on the other line.

Youth Development International: 1-800 HIT-HOME

Youth Crisis Hotline: 1-800-448-4663

In conclusion, being a teenager is really rough and has many tough spots and times. Adding a relationship to that just makes life 10xs harder but hopefully the above information was helpful to you, your partner, friends, and family. Have a good day! J

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