Monday, May 6, 2024

Because the WHY is important - Let's figure out HOW

This post will be filled with items that hung on the wall above my desk. I often posted these as thought stepping stones, adding pieces to a larger puzzle meant to take shape over time.


  • Systematic instructional development
  • Integration of learning (Curricular, Library)
  • Learning THROUGH - Assess and reflect within CONTEXT

A curriculum of PROCESS (and Product) - Supporting MASTERY of any content

It can be (and should be) PERSONALIZED in PRACTICE

 -I Think     

 - I Create     

 - I Communicate       

 - I Collaborate 

 The curriculum is designed to teach a foundation of skill sets. Some aspects could be offered as stand-alone modules, but the program's true strength would be to embed the skills within coursework over time. These repeat applications under new and evolving circumstances allow students to internalize their thinking and their use. 

At the minimum, all students have a shared foundational skill set. Students coming into classrooms would/should have a baseline from which to grow. Content teachers can refine, extend, and customize expectations based on their activities and projects.

I envision a centralized portal (sequence) for skill sets to be introduced or refined throughout a student's educational experience.                   

Or better yet, think inside the curriculum? Yes, we do want them to think. 

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