Sunday, May 18, 2014

BlendKit Reader - Chapter 3 - Reading Reaction this week, we are considering assessment of learning in a blended environment.

Let's frame the blended environment I envision. The focus is on 4th grade. We will meet F2F once during a five day cycle. While I plan to use Edmodo as our platform, time to work online needs to be built into the F2F meeting. Students will have the freedom to choose to revisit Edmodo outside of the regular class time, but no "mandate" will will be in place unless considered and agreed to within the context of elementary expectations. With that being said, I am hoping some of the content stemming from the "library" experience will also blend into classroom coursework. All in good time...

Next, onto the reading reflection. Several statements jumped out at me. First, is the agreement that "when teaching takes place, assessment is imperative to check depth of understanding". The article goes on to reference the design strategy in planning for units of instruction that prepare students to transfer learning to new contexts", meaning taking what is accomplished in the classroom and be able to apply it in real life.

Since I am a novice with the program and do know that there is a formal grading procedure in place, I plan to use both self-assessment tactics, as well as a multiple-choice option to confirm a baseline of common understanding.

Initially, topics will most-likely revolve around procedural applications and organizational understandings of the physical environment.

Ultimately, my goal will be to build intrinsic understandings related to the overarching theme for each marking period, with the first being "I COMMUNICATE". I feel strongly that students need to embrace all activities from the perspective that they are truly CENTRAL to the experience. Too often, learning seems to come from an imposed direction, rather than from a sense of internal control.

I already take to heart that providing expectation support through examples, both print and online, text and video (as appropriate) is extremely important. Students need to have a clear understanding of what "qualifies" as exceptional and what "qualifies" as a redo. As an educator, I am uncomfortable with accepting sub-standard work. I do expect students to do their best, whatever their best is.

I was intrigued by the mention of building higher order thinking into multiple-choice assessments. That will be a side goal. The article mentions implanting a scenario that requires transfer. Will have to think about this one...

Edmodo contains options for discussions, assessments, and I believe assignment uploads. Initially, the discussion area will be the focus, but certainly, offering a quick quiz is a real option.

Thinking we will save any "authentic assessments" for the 4th marking period when we cover creativity.

LOVE, Love, love the ONE-SENTENCE SUMMARY suggestion. This fits in already with the micro-blogging idea and activities mentioned in some of my earlier course submissions. As I look to the directions for the DIY activity for this week, the one-sentence-summary may be the one that I build upon.

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