Sunday, May 4, 2014

Reading Reaction - Chapter 2 - BlendKit 2014
I suppose I feel as if I should write a post that embodies the notes as listed below.  While it would be a worthwhile exercise for me to reformulate and express the concepts and ideas garnered from the chapter in a unique post, instead I'd like to let the notes stand for themselves and migrate the energy into actual application of the concepts for practical purposes.

Below are noted excepts from the reading.  Full credit is given to the references listed at the end of the BlendKit - Chapter 2 for the contributions to my understanding of the topic.  I will post learning design pieces that evolve from this understanding, as applied to the specifics of my work. what jumped out at me...
BlendKit Reader:  Chapter 2 - Kelvin Thompson, Ed.D
  • Value student-to-student and student-to-teacher interaction
  • Role of interaction regarding declarative knowledge (introductory/survey) and/or procedural knowledge (working on problem sets)
  • Interactions F2F and how to use the online environment for interactions - instructional strategies to support both
  • Design interactions on substantive matters
  • Appropriate balance (As aligned to THE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT)
  • Link the best tech solutions for teaching and learning w/the best human resources
  • Develop highly interactive / collaborative activities for F2F (teacher/classroom)
  • Tech enables greater learner control and autonomy
  • Learners value social contact and guidance
  • Interaction is a basic human need
  • K-4 Learning environment- Requires guided instruction presented / offered in blended domains taking into consideration how learners learn best
  • Like the concept WAY-FINDING - determined by design and environmental cues
  • Likened to game design - balance / tension between too much scaffolding / too little
  • The paragraph about "how will learners know what they need to know and rapid decentralization and distribution of channels of communication" may lend itself to a lesson within the blended course
  • Instructivism or constructivism
  • Blend concept of expertise with construction
Techno expression - tech based process (employed by an individual or in tandem with others) using words and/or media to express ideas and thoughts (Reference to Commonwealth of Learning)
  • Educator as concierge - directs learners to resources or learning opportunities unaware of - push learning possibilities that are "ripe" - K-12 leverages this model
  • Educator as curator - expert learner - instead of "dispensing knowledge, creates spaces which knowledge can be created, explored, and connected"  Balances "freedom of learners with thoughtful interpretation of subject"  Key concepts of a discipline transparently reflected through curatorial actions of teacher"
How does interaction and expression manifest within the course design?
  • Allow for student and instructor voice with respect, collaborative, caring
  • How to thoughtfully express opinions
  • Consider small groups to solve problems over time
Who is the audience?
  • Over course of year, mix up audience for various assignments - practice expression in different directions
As always - identify the best method for students to achieve learning objectives (allow for differentiated expressions)

Build in reflection activities - ePortfolio, posts - Why a certain decision?  Opinion about a topic...  For group research, possibly OneNote - collective work

Provide examples of good work - meaningful assignments w/defined expectations

Write clear instructions
Include expectations on academic integrity

Acknowledge the learning process - student POV with feedback - even 1-2 ideas over time

Keep in view both aspects - individual learning and social learning

Reference for FERPA web page - to use as a guide

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